News releases

'Bethel House' Orphanage orphans

Donation of school supplies to the orphanage 'Bethel House'

We've distributed school supplies to orphans. A generous gesture very much appreciated by the orphans and the leaders of the orphanage, who showed us their gratitude. Of course, all this has been made possible through your generosity, for which we will never stop thanking you. Thank you for believing in us and supporting our cause.

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Blind and visually impaired schoolchildren

Assistance provided to a family of five (5) orphans and vulnerable children

We are today in Kouti, a village located in Avrankou, a city of the Ouémé department, in the Republic of Benin.
Only SAHFA members acted as part of this tour. We provided assistance to a family of five orphans. These children are fatherless, and their mother was the only support. But it didn't last long, because their mother's in-laws rejected and kicked her out of the house.
These cases are numerous in Benin. But the case of this family has particularly caught our attention. In addition to the donation of school supplies, we paid school fees for one of the five (5) children. He did not attend school last school year, as he was unable to attend school last year due to non-payment of school fees by his mother.

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Ikpele Centre schoolchildren

Donation of school supplies to the public primary school in Ikpele centre

In cooperation with the NGO CEDAS, the NGO JESPD and with the support of the Lions Club Tolérance and the NGO JSFN, we responded to complaints from poor children and their parents, of the public primary school Ikpele centre in Pobe, a municipality of the department of Plateau, in the Republic of Benin.

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Schoolchildren Vêdoko School for the Deaf

Distribution of school supplies to the Vêdoko School for the Deaf

We visited deaf and dumb schoolchildren from a school in the Littoral department and distributed school supplies as part of the tour, which began on 21 September 2019. These adorable children, did not know how to hide their joy, and thanked us very much.Thank you for believing in us and supporting our cause.

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Event: Ecorunning - Special World Cleaning Day 2019

Event: Ecorunning - Special World Cleaning Day 2019

This Saturday, September 21, 2019, like other countries around the world, Benin celebrated World Clean Up Day. On this occasion, the collective #SachetHéloué, initiator of the popular Ecorunning event, called together all associations, organizations, international and national institutions as well as the Beninese population to mobilize in Cotonou, Porto-Novo and Calavi for a major day of cleaning up the waste from the highways of the cities mentioned above.

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Lokoli's children

Donation of school supplies to the villages of Lokoli and Koussoukpa

A SAHFA team visited the Koussoukpa Public Primary School in the commune of Zogbodomè, located in the department of Zou, in the Republic of Benin. This village which had already welcomed us during this summer during the holidays for our school support project. Our donations of school supplies were therefore intended for the schoolchildren of this village, who during three weeks attended school vacations with our volunteers. The number of students was estimated at 200.

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Festisol - Festival AlimenTERRE
2019/09/05 - 2019/09/07

Festival of solidarity and Festival of AlimenTERRE - National meetings

A national meeting that brought together all (if not the majority) associations and NGOs from all departments of BENIN for an information and training session on the two festivals but especially for a better organization of the two festivals this year in Benin.

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SAHFA's first anniversary

Smile and Happiness for All Association celebrates 1 year

As part of the celebration not only of a year of existence but also of actions in the humanities field, SAHFA organized a gala dinner. Representatives of associations and NGOs, parents of both members and volunteers of the association and of course some distinguished guests were invited. The gala dinner was also an opportunity to take stock of the Association's activities, and to think about the Association's future projects and actions.

30th anniversary celebration of children rights

Benin National Children's Forum organized by UNICEF BENIN

Following an invitation from UNICEF, the SAHFA Association participated at the National Children's Forum in Benin. This forum brought together children from Benin, particularly those from the Association of the Benin Children's Council (ANACEB), for an enriching debate on their rights as children and, above all, on children's grievances towards their parents and the Beninese government.

Ashoka Foundation meeting

Ashoka Foundation meeting

Following an invitation from the ASHOKA Foundation, the SAHFA Association participated in a meeting whose objective was to detect, train, monitor and promote the actions of young talents with innovative projects. Those young talents are called: changemakers.


Food and clothing donations to the NGO 'Terre rouges'

Food and clothing donations to the NGO 'Terre rouges'

The SAHFA association has donated food and clothing to help and support the efforts of the NGO 'Terres Rouges', which cares not only for children but also for orphans.

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International Solidarity Project: School support
2019/07/19 - 2019/08/11

International Solidarity Project: School support

As part of the international solidarity project, the SAHFA Association has opted for school support activities. The beneficiaries chosen for this project are schoolchildren from the village of Lokoli. The activities planned for this project are school vacations given by SAHFA volunteers, information sessions for children on children's rights as set out in the Convention on the Rights of the Child and activities (games, sports...)

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Workshop participants
2019/06/26 - 2019/06/28

Workshop for presenting the results of the census of volunteer structures and information on the implementation of the qualification system in volunteerism and exchanges

The Benin Office of the Volunteer and Youth Service organized a workshop based on the theme 'Restitution of the results of the census of volunteer structures and information on the implementation of the qualification system in volunteering and exchanges'. The purpose of the workshop, which brought together various associations and NGOs, including SAHFA, is to discuss the new reforms implemented by the Beninese Government to support non-governmental organizations in their actions. The workshop was also an opportunity to present the new regulations issued in order to provide greater clarity and facilitate the authorities' follow-up on each action undertaken by an association or NGO.

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African Family/Famille africaine

Clothing donation to the 'Espoir d'Enfants' orphanage in Ouidah (Benin)

The volunteers of the SAHFA Association gave the orphans of this orphanage some clothes obtained after a several days collection. We thank our generous donors.

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Workshop participants

Workshop on the revitalization of international solidarity projects in Benin

A workshop organized by France Volontaire for the benefit of international solidarity structures. The objective of this workshop is to reorganize the implementation of the worksites by the above-mentioned structures.

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Environment and citizenship week

Event: Environment and Citizenship Week

The SAHFA Association has been invited to lead a communication on Volunteering and Sustainable Development Goals (SDOs) at this event, with a focus on the environment.


One-day discussion

One-day discussion organized by SAHFA on the theme: 'Youth and Volunteering'

The meeting organized by the SAHFA Association around the theme 'Youth and Humanitarian Aid' brought together representatives of partner associations.

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