Results-based management

Smile and Happiness for All (SAHFA) uses results-based management. This is an approach that integrates strategy, people, resources, processes and measurement to improve decision-making while increasing transparency and accountability. The focus is on measuring performance against goals, learning from experience and adjusting to new conditions, reporting outcomes, and achieving objectives.

How is SAHFA funded?

Allocation of funds

The total SAHFA budget planned for 2019-20 is USD 4000.00. Of this amount, 78 per cent comes from contributions made by the Association's Board of Directors, while 22 per cent will be mobilized through voluntary contributions from members and other partners.

How does SAHFA allocate its assessed and voluntary contributions?

SAHFA's overall programme of work is funded by assessed and voluntary contributions. Board of members ' assessed contributions included the regular budget, set at the annual SAHFA Meeting. The SAHFA regular budget for the 2019-20 annual is USD 4000.00.

The voluntary contributions provided by members and other partners support technical and emergency (including rehabilitation) assistance to beneficiaries for clearly defined purposes linked to the results framework, as well as direct support to SAHFA's core work. The voluntary contributions are expected to reach approximately USD 880.00 in 2019-20.