overview of our activities


Since 2018, we have been contributing to the development of children and raising awareness among the populations in the various regions of the Republic of Benin. Our fundraising opportunities aim to instill values in our youth and provide them with a space to express themselves by sharing with others.


SMILE AND HAPPINESS FOR ALL helps poor children and young people, through many services, to improve their living conditions. We take care of our children and offer them various empowering programs to help them embracing their identity. Our volunteers actions offer them the chance to get involved in the community and to meet new passionate people, all with different backgrounds. Come and discover for yourself!


Here at SMILE AND HAPPINESS FOR ALL we will fight to help the poor children and youth of Benin through many programs. Our Educational Workshops provide our beneficiaries with all the necessary tools to improve their living conditions and become leaders of tomorrow. We are delighted to participate in the development of the children and hope that this will continue for a long time to come.

Do you want to help children Participate

Become a Donator

Become a donator

Through your donations to SAHFA, you are helping to ensure a better future for children and people in need.


Become a donator

Through your donations, you help us raise funds to work in our different areas of activity..


Become Volunteer

We need volunteers in Africa and over the world. Let's build the world without child abuse and neglect.

Learn more about our Major Initiatives

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What is Smile and Happiness for All Association

The Smiles and Happiness Association (SAHFA) is an apolitical, free philanthropic and non-profit association. It leads efforts to overcome sadness and suffering among children in particular.

Our objective is to fight against analphebetism and to promote the development of populations in poor regions of the African continent in general.

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$4000 People's Contribution
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43 Volunteers reached
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30 Completed Projects

Read our recent and exciting News

COVID-19 Awareness news
10 Mar 2020
Atelier AGYI
Bansopa Linda Daraté & Gedeon Lanou

SAHFA has attended a workshop to capitalize on the good practices of the different programs...

COVID-19 Awareness news
29 Feb 2020
Bansopa Linda Daraté

Volunteering is a gift of self, a nonprofit and unpaid action of dedicated individuals...


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