As part of the organization of the Festival of Solidarities and Festival AlimenTERRE, the various associations and organizations throughout the national territory were invited to participate in the national meetings to organize the national festival scheduled for November.
First Day
Entirely dedicated to the Festival of Solidarities (Festisol)
- A presentation of the solidarity festival and an assessment of the 2018 edition;
- A presentation of the festisol charter;
- A presentation of the boost provided by international festisol;
- A presentation of the festisol communication tools;
- A presentation of the actor space on the festisol website.
Table 1: Moderated by the head of the NGO TERRE AFRIK Mr GNIKOBOU Tanguy
Second Day
More devoted to the Festival alimenTERRE
- A presentation of the festival alimenTERRE and an assessment of the 2018 edition;
- A first workshop on the 2019 edition movies;
- A second workshop on the 2019 edition movies:
NB : Remember that the participants had an exercise to do on each movie (questions to take part in the debate; pitfalls to avoid; ideas for animation; levers for action) as if it were their own presentation of the festival alimenTERRE.
- A plenary on the 2019 edition movies.
Table 2: Moderated by the representative of CREDI ONG, Mr HODONOU Modeste
Third Day
It was the last day that the major decisions were made. It was also an opportunity to review the activities and elect the representative associations for the two festivals, in each ‘county' in Benin
- The workshop on the animation tools of the two festivals;
- A communication on the importance of consuming local products;
- The focus group discussion workshop on: How to organize a Festisol/Festival alimenTERRE;
- The zoning of Beninese actors and the specific agenda to Benin.
Table 3: Report on activities and division of further tasks
Potential partnership opportunities
Beyond the lessons received through the exchanges and activities, it was an opportunity for the associations present to discuss possible partnerships, or even the common organization of festivals/activities in their different regions.